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Bypass Best For People With Diabetes

  Surgery is better than stenting. If you have diabetes and heart disease, you may also need surgery. Both bypass surgery and angioplasty plus stenting, which is less invasive, are used to open coronary arteries that are very narrow. Most people will get the same long-term benefits and risks from either method. In people with diabetes, yet, a new trial shows that bypass surgery may also be better than angioplasty plus stenting. Over the next five years, bypass surgery led to fewer heart attacks and deaths. In angioplasty, a balloon is used to push away ldl cholesterol-filled plaque that is blocking an artery. A stent, which is a small metal tube, is left behind to keep the blood vessel open. Through an artery in the groin, the balloon and stent are moved into the heart. In bypass surgery, which starts in the chest, a doctor uses extra blood vessels to reroute the blood around the blockages. On November 6, 2012, the results of the Future Revascularization Evaluation in People with Diabe