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Physiology of Insulin Secretion. Elsevier Inc

  About 20,000 UK kids with Type 1 diabetes are about to start the new school year. New advice from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) looks like it will change the way kids deal with their diabetes by giving them more access to insulin pump therapy and giving them more freedom and control over their situation. The new guidelines finally agreed with key research(ii) funded by Roche, which shows that pumps have a positive effect on the high quality of life of patients and their families. Roche, a global leader in diabetes care and management services, has been working closely with diabetes healthcare professionals to raise awareness of pump therapy and encourage and support new clients. Roche is glad that there are signs that more people with Type 1 diabetes, especially kids and teens, will be able to use insulin pumps instead of traditional insulin injections, which have been shown to interrupt the school day (iii). If you switch from injections to an insu